Dogtrot House Featured in Texas Architect Magazine / June 5, 2020

The recently completed Dogtrot House has been featured in the March / April 2020 issue of Texas Architect Magazine. In this article, titled “The Hybrid”, Texas Architect Editor Aaron Seward considers how the Dogtrot House is a uniquely successful expression of qualities often found at odds with each other: the relationship between structures both old and new, of space public and private, and of density with neighborhood life.

To read the article, follow this link to Texas Architect :


CDPA Featured in The Wall Street Journal / September 13, 2019

On September 12, 2019, the Wall Street Journal released an article, “They Sold Their Company for $500 Million, Then Went Real-Estate Shopping”, that chronicles the real estate ventures of the founders of Big Ass Fans, Carey and Nancy Smith. This includes their primary residence in Austin, a home in Old Enfield formerly owned by Lance Armstrong, now in the process of renovation by Charles Di Piazza Architecture. We are honored to be working on this project, and delighted to see our work in the Homes section of the Journal!

To read the article, follow this link to the Wall Street Journal: